How to Travel on a Budget

A solo female traveler standing on a mountain
Last Updated: 9/4/23 | September 4th, 2023

Travel has become really expensive. Post-COVID, the entire world seems to be traveling again and prices just keep rising. I am astonished at how high they have gotten. But it’s a product of rising costs and out of control demand. Everyone just wants to travel. We’re all looking for an escape.

Fortunately, it’s not all bad. Airfare has started to go down again, there are more deal-finding websites online, free walking tours in more cities, and more opportunities to bypass the traditional travel infrastructure and connect directly into the local way of life via the sharing economy.

As we navigate the post-COVID world of high prices, I want to share some tips and tricks on how to travel on a budget this year!

1. Change Your Mindset

Changing your mindset might not be a traditional budget tip, but it’s important nonetheless. Constantly remind yourself that travel is possible while taking concrete steps to make it a reality. Action begets action — even if it’s just baby steps.

Start with a “yes, I can” mindset. Don’t think “I can’t travel” — think “What’s one thing I can do today to make my trip closer to reality?”

Life is a mental game. Do one thing every day that gets you closer to your trip and you’ll find yourself building unstoppable momentum.

2. Come Up with a Savings Plans

Unless you’re Bill Gates, we all need to save more money. But how do you do that? While life is expensive, I do believe there are always ways to save a little more. There’s always something you can cut. A little bit of savings adds up a lot over time.

First, start by tracking your spending. Write down everything you spend money on for a month. Groceries, rent, eating out, Netflix — everything. You can’t figure out where to save if you don’t know where your money is going.

Next, start a savings account specifically for travel. That way, you’ll have a dedicated space for your travel fund and you can watch it grow. That progress will keep you motivated. Even if it’s just a few dollars a week, every penny counts. The more you save, the more you want to save.

Finally, start cutting. Maybe it’s going to Starbucks, maybe it’s saving on gas by carpooling to work or cutting back on eating out. We all have things we can cut. Find yours.

Here are some posts on how to save money:


3. Score a Flight Deal

One of the things that people always tell me holds them back from traveling more is the cost of flights. But, let me tell you, there’s a lot of deals right now.

All the airlines are trying to fill planes and are offering a lot of deals for summer and fall travel right now. After all, they need to make up for a lost year and are desperate to get people on planes.

The key to finding a cheap flight is to be flexible with your dates and your destination. If you have your heart set on “Paris in June” you’ll be forced to pay whatever the flight costs. But, if you open that up to “France in the summer” — or even “Europe in the summer” you’ll be able to find much cheaper flights since you’ll have a lot more wiggle room to test dates and destinations.

I like to use Google Flights and Skyscanner to browse my options. I type in my home city and then pick “everywhere” as my destination. I then base my plans around where I can fly to for the least amount of money.

Both websites also let you sign up for price alerts so you’ll get an email if the price for your ideal trip happens to drop.

And if you really want to find amazing flight deals, consider joining a flight deal site like Going. It’s the best website for finding flight deals from the US and has saved me a fortune over the years. It’s not free, but new users can get 20% off a Premium membership with the code NOMADICMATT20.

Other helpful flight deal sites are:

  • The Flight Deal – Incredible deals for flights all around the world.
  • Secret Flying – Another site with amazing flight deals from around the globe (they find a lot of Asia/Africa/South America deals not found elsewhere).


4. Get Points!

Travel hacking, the art of collecting points and miles, is a great way to travel on a budget. By getting point-yielding credit cards and using a few simple techniques, you can get hundreds of thousands of miles — without any additional spending (you can even earn points just by paying your rent!). These points can then be cashed in for free flights, free hotel stays, and other travel rewards.

I’ve earned countless free flights, upgrades, and hotel stays from travel hacking. By optimizing my spending and paying attention to which cards earn the most points where, I’ve saved thousands of dollars — and you can too!

Here are some resources to help you begin:

Even if you aren’t American, you still have options, as points and miles have gone global:

Once you have points, use platforms like (for flights) and Awayz (for hotels) to manage them. These platforms help you maximize your points and miles so you earn more free flights and hotel stays.

5. Use the Sharing Economy

A group of budget backpackers relaxing at a pool in a hostel in Central America
The sharing economy has led to a plethora of new money-saving and community-building platforms that have made travel even more affordable, personal, and accessible. It’s never been easier to get off the tourist trail, connect with locals, and experience their pace of life. I live by these websites when I travel! You should too.

Here are some of the best sharing economy sites to help you get started:

  • Trusted Housesitters – The most comprehensive website to find house-sitting gigs. You watch a place on vacation while the homeowner is on vacation.
  • EatWith – Allows you to eat home-cooked meals with locals (it’s the Airbnb of food). It always leads to interesting encounters, so it’s one of my favorite things to do.
  • BlaBlaCar – A ridesharing app that pairs riders with verified locals who have a spare seat in their car.
  • RVShare – Allows you to rent RVs and camper vans directly from locals.


6. Find the Free!

The world is awash with amazing free travel resources (like this website) that can help you travel on a budget. No matter where you are going, there’s probably a blog post on what to do and see there for free or cheaply. Someone has been there and they’ve written about it! Make the best use of all of them to help you plan your trip.

My favorite search term is “free things to do in X.” You’ll always get a result!

Additionally, don’t be afraid to walk into a hostel — even if you aren’t staying there — and ask them what to do for cheap. Their clientele is budget sensitive, so they always know what to do and where to go for little money.

Local tourism boards will also have tons of info on free things to do as well (more on that below).

7. Stick to Public Transportation

Old tuk-tuks parked together in Sri Lanka
If you’re on a budget, skip the taxis and rideshares like Lyft or Uber. Unless you can lower your cost by sharing a ride with other passengers, public transportation is going to be the most cost-effective way to get around. Not only will it save you money but you’ll get to see how the locals travel too.

Google Maps usually can give you a basic overview of the public transportation options and prices available. You can find information about day passes and/or multi-day passes from your local hostel/hotel staff (as well as from local tourism offices). For cheap intercity travel information, check out Rome2Rio.

8. Use Local Tourism Offices

Local tourist offices are a wealth of knowledge. They exist solely to provide you with information on what to see and do. They often have tons of discounts not found anywhere else and can also keep you updated on local events, free tours, and the best spots to eat. They can help you find public transportation discounts and/or multiday passes too.

Don’t skip the local tourist office! They are a severely underutilized resource.

9. Get Cheap Accommodation

Cozy bunk beds in a hostel dorm room in Europe
Accommodation is one of the biggest fixed costs travelers have, so reducing that cost can lead to big savings on the road. I’m sure many backpackers would sleep in a barn if it were the cheapest accommodation they could find! Heck, I’ve slept in hammocks in national parks to save a buck!

Since you have to stay somewhere every night, reducing this expense can save you a lot of money off the total cost of your trip. Stay in hostels, use Couchsurfing, stay in empty university dorms, camp, or try an Airbnb.

Since there’s a lot of ways to cut your accommodation costs, here are my posts on how to get accommodation deals:

And here are the websites I use to book cheap places to stay:

  • – For finding budget hotels and guesthouses.
  • Hostelworld – The best site for finding hostels.
  • Agoda – Another great hotel website, specifically for Asia.
  • Hotel Tonight – Offers discounted last-minute hotel stays.


10. Eat Cheap

Other than accommodation, food is one of the biggest travel costs. After all, everyone needs to eat. But there are lots of ways to eat on the cheap:

Also, use the five-block rule. There seems to be this magical wall that surrounds tourist areas. Most people don’t go past it. It’s been my experience that if you walk five blocks in any direction from a major tourist area, you end up losing the crowds and finding the local restaurants.

In my experience, tourist restaurants don’t care about quality since those tourists aren’t coming back. Residents do care so places catering to them need to be better — and more affordable – or they go out of business. Those are the places you want to eat at. Use the above resources to find where the locals eat and avoid crappy food!

11. Travel Like You Live

The majority of people in your destinations don’t spend lots of money per day like tourists do. Neither do you in your day-to-day life. So take that mentality with you. Walk, take public transportation, grocery shop, spend a day in a park, and look for deals. Do the things you do at home every day to keep your costs down.

Too many people get into this mindset that when they go on the road, they just have to spend, spend, spend, spend. That’s not true at all. There’s no law that says you have to spend more. Be smart with your budget — just like you are at home. That will help you save money and prevent you from going home early (and broke).

12. Work & Volunteer to Lower Your Expenses

If you’re a long-term traveler, consider volunteering or doing a work exchange to lower your costs. There are tons of options out there such as farm stays, working in hostels, teaching in schools, and more.

You’ll usually need to commit for a week or more, however, these opportunities enable you to get a much deeper and more nuanced travel experience. Here are some websites to help you find suitable opportunities:

  • Worldpackers – Worldpackers offers travelers a chance to find volunteer experiences overseas. In addition to hostels, they can help you find experiences with NGOs, homestays, and eco-projects all over the world!
  • WWOOF – WWOOF (World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms) is a program that connects you with farms all around the world where you can work in exchange for room and board.
  • Helpx – Like Worldpackers, Helpx offers exchanges such as farmstays, homestays, B&Bs, hostels, and sail boats.
  • Workaway – Workaway is a lot like HelpX except it has more paid job opportunities (though it has volunteer opportunities too).


While prices may be higher than they were pre-pandemic, there are still plenty of ways to plan a budget trip without breaking the bank. By being flexible, getting creative, and embracing the right mindset, you’ll be able to get out the door in no time. And it won’t cost you a fortune either.

All you have to do is take that first step. Remember, action begets action. Once you start moving, everything else gets easier. So don’t wait!


Book Your Trip: Logistical Tips and Tricks

Book Your Flight
Find a cheap flight by using Skyscanner. It’s my favorite search engine because it searches websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is being left unturned.

Book Your Accommodation
You can book your hostel with Hostelworld. If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, use as it consistently returns the cheapest rates for guesthouses and hotels.

Don’t Forget Travel Insurance
Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:

Want to Travel for Free?
Travel credit cards allow you to earn points that can be redeemed for free flights and accommodation — all without any extra spending. Check out my guide to picking the right card and my current favorites to get started and see the latest best deals.

Ready to Book Your Trip?
Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel. I list all the ones I use when I travel. They are the best in class and you can’t go wrong using them on your trip.

The post How to Travel on a Budget appeared first on Nomadic Matt's Travel Site.

Travel is a Privilege

A traveler walking down a beach in the beautiful BVIs
Updated: 1/16/2020 | January 16, 2020

Let’s face it: not everyone is going to able to travel. Whether it’s money, family obligations, or circumstance, travel is out of reach for a large percentage of the world’s population.

In the “quit your job to travel the world” cheerleading that happens so often on travel websites (including this one), we often forget that it’s not so easy for everyone.

Yes, years on the road have shown me that, for many of us, our inability to travel is partly a mindset issue (since we believe travel is expensive, we don’t look for ways to make it cheaper) and partly a spending issue (we spend money on things we don’t need).

Our culture says travel is expensive and — without a frame of reference to know that that is wrong — people just assume it’s right. And yes, people that have decent-paying jobs but go shopping often or spend a lot on avocado toast (or whatever it is they spend money on) are more often than not prioritizing travel.

But there are those for whom no mindset change, spending cuts, or budget tips will help them travel — those who are too sick, have parents or children to care for, face great debt, or work three jobs just to pay their rent.

After all, 2.8 billion people — nearly 40% of the world’s population — survive on less than $2 USD a day!

In my home country of the United States, 14% of the population is below the poverty line, 46 million people are on food stamps, many have to work two jobs to get by, and we have a trillion dollars in student debt dragging people down.

No tips on any website will magically make travel a reality for those people.

Those of us who do travel are a privileged few.

Whether we quit our jobs to travel the world, spend two months in Europe, or take our kids on a short vacation to Disney World, we get to experience something most people in the world will never get a chance to do.

We overlook that fact too often. We overlook how lucky we are. As I’ve started building FLYTE — a foundation to help high schools take economically disadvantaged students on educational trips overseas — I’ve thought a lot about privilege.

I grew up in a predominately white, middle-class town with parents who paid my college tuition. I had a job after college that allowed me to live on my own, take vacations, and still save for my first trip around the world. And because I speak English, I easily found work teaching English in Thailand, where I could save to extend my travels.

That’s not to say that hard work doesn’t count. But hard work doesn’t exist in a bubble, and the circumstances that create the opportunities for hard work to bear fruit are often more important.

I’ve met people of all ages, incomes, abilities, and nationalities on the road. Folks like Don and Alison, who are backpacking the world at 70; Michael, who worked 60-hour weeks at a minimum-wage job; Cory, who travels the world in a wheelchair; Ishwinder, who didn’t let visa restrictions stop him; and countless others.

But even they had circumstances that allowed them to travel: support from family and friends, jobs that allowed for overtime, or other skills. They weren’t barely getting by or on social assistance. They didn’t wonder if they could afford their next meal.

I worked hard to get where I am. I’m sure you’ve worked hard too. One’s work isn’t less because of opportunity. But I think it’s important to remember that the circumstances around you make it easier for your work to bear fruit than for others. It’s easier to succeed when you don’t have to worry about housing or your next meal. It’s easier to succeed if you’re educated or can get a full night’s sleep in a safe community.

We are some of the lucky ones.

We get to do something that others will never be able to do.

We are privileged.

Even if you’ve hitchhiked around the world with no money, worked overseas, cut costs to travel around the world on $10 USD a day, or travel-hacked your way to a first-class ticket, you have the opportunity to do something most people go to sleep only dreaming about. You have the freedom and choice to move about the world in a way most people don’t.

That’s a form of privilege.

As we go into this new year, I think it’s important that we never forget or be ungrateful for the opportunity we have. Let’s not take it for granted. Let’s be humble. Let’s be more respectful. Let’s give back.

And let’s not squander the opportunity.

Book Your Trip: Logistical Tips and Tricks

Book Your Flight
Find a cheap flight by using Skyscanner or Momondo. They are my two favorite search engines, because they search websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is being left unturned.

Book Your Accommodation
You can book your hostel with Hostelworld, as it has the largest inventory. If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, use, as it consistently returns the cheapest rates for guesthouses and hotels. I use both all the time.

Don’t Forget Travel Insurance
Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it, as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. I’ve been using World Nomads for ten years. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:

Looking for the best companies to save money with?
Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel! I list all the ones I use to save money – and they will save you time and money too!

The post Travel is a Privilege appeared first on Nomadic Matt's Travel Site.

How to Avoid Paying Bank Fees While Traveling

An ATM lit up at night against a purple brick wall

Finding the money for travel is one of the biggest challenges people face when it comes to taking a trip. It can take years to save up for that dream trip!

And, when people finally save up enough and hit the road, what do most of them end up doing?

They throw money away on avoidable bank fees!!

Banking overseas is more than just putting your card in an ATM and taking out money. When you travel on a budget, it involves knowing how to avoid bank fees, exchange rate penalties, and making your money work for you.

I know too many people who travel abroad and end up paying obscene bank fees when they travel.

And, these days, there’s absolutely no need to do that. You didn’t save up all this money in order to give it to the banks, right? I know I didn’t. I want to keep it all for myself because every avoided fee is more money for food, drinks, and activities on the road!

Here is how you eliminate ALL bank fees when you travel in 5 easy steps:


1. Eliminate ATM Fees

ATM fees can really add up — especially if you’re traveling for weeks or months at a time. Let’s think about it: while you’re on the road, you might withdraw money from an ATM twice a week. If you withdraw money from an international ATM with your regular debit card, you’ll be hit with three different fees:

  • Your bank’s fee for using an ATM outside of their network (usually $2.50–5 USD)
  • The ATM’s fee (usually $3–5 USD)
  • An international conversion fee (usually 1–3% of the transaction)

As you can see, these fees very quickly add up. Fees vary around the world, but let’s say that you end up paying around $7 USD per withdrawal. That is $14 per week, $56 per month, or $672 per year! Do you know how many days you could spend in Southeast Asia for that amount? Almost three weeks!

Even if you only use the ATM once a week, that’s still $364 USD per year. And most travelers I know go to the ATM even more than twice a week, which only increases the amount in fees they pay. Why give banks money you need for travel? You worked hard saving your money — don’t waste it by giving it to a bank.

To help you avoid fees, here are four things you’ll want to do on your next trip to eliminate those pesky fees:

First, you could join a bank that is part of the Global ATM alliance, the principal international banking network. The banks listed below have agreements with one another wherein if you belong to one bank, you can use the ATMs of all the other banks without being charged an ATM fee:

  • Bank of America
  • Barclay’s
  • BNP Paribas
  • Deutsche Bank
  • Scotiabank
  • Westpac

Note: Bank of America charges a 3% transaction fee on all non-USD currency withdrawals, even for banks within the alliance. (Tip: Often, if you call Bank of America, they will refund most or all of this transaction fee.)

Beyond these banks, individual alliance members have additional partnerships. For example, Bank of America also waives ATM fees with TEB in Turkey, UkrSibbank in Ukraine, and China Construction Bank in China. And Westpac has an agreement with CIMB, a bank in Indonesia and Malaysia.

It’s important to note that some country subsidiaries of the above banks might not be included in the ATM Alliance. For example, if you have Bank of America, the BNP Paribas waiver only works for its France operation (not anything else) while Westpac only works in Australia and New Zealand but not Fiji.

But, in my opinion, the best U.S. bank is Charles Schwab. While Charles Schwab doesn’t have deals with any banks overseas like those mentioned above, they don’t charge any ATM fees and will reimburse any ATM fees from other institutions at the end of each month. You will need to open an individual checking account to qualify, but there is no minimum deposit required and no monthly service fee.

You’ll never pay a fee with Charles Schwab, and their ATM card can be used in any bank machine around the world. If there isn’t a branch near you, you can open an account online by going to their website. To me, this is the current BEST ATM card to have. I never, ever think about fees because of it.

Here are some suggested ATM cards for non-US travelers:

  • Canada: Scotia and Tangerine are both part of the Global ATM Alliance.
  • Australia: ING, Citibank, or HSBC have no fee cards.
  • UK: Starling lets you avoid ATM fees abroad. Monzo has fee-free international transactions for your first 200 GBP withdrawn every 30 days.


2. Avoid Credit Card Fees

The next major fee we need to get rid of is the credit card foreign transaction fee. Many credit cards charge a 3% fee on purchases made overseas. That can add up since most of us use our credit card for everything. It’s become a lot more common for credit cards to have “no foreign transaction fees” so it’s unlikely you’ll have a card that does but be sure to ask.

My favorite no overseas transaction fee cards are the Chase Sapphire Preferred, Capital One, and Citi Premier, but there are tons and tons of options and you should pick the card that not only doesn’t have a fee but is good for earning points too.

For more suggestions on credit cards, including best current offers, you can find all my favorite travel cards here.

For non-US citizens, check the following websites that list cards that might not charge any overseas fees:


3. Minimize the Exchange Rate “Penalty”

Every time you use your card overseas, your local bank converts the transaction into your local currency for billing purposes and takes a little off the top for doing so. Thus, the official rate you see online is not what you actually get. That’s the interbank rate and, unless you become a major bank, you’re not going to get that rate. All we can do is get as close to that rate as possible. To do so, you need to:

Use a credit card -Credit card companies get the best rates. Using a credit card will get you an exchange rate closest to the official interbank currency rate so avoid an ATM or cash if you can.

Use an ATM – ATMs offer the best exchange rate after credit cards. They aren’t as good as credit cards since commercial banks take a little more off the top, but it’s much better than exchanging cash. Money exchange offices offer the worst rates because they are so far down the food chain, they can’t get the best exchange rate (plus, they usually charge a commission as well).

Don’t use ATMs in weird locations – Using those ATMs you find in hotels, hostels, local 7-11s, or some other random place is a bad idea. They’re convenient, but you’ll pay for that convenience. They always charge high ATM fees and offer horrible conversion rates. Skip those ATMs and find a major bank.

4. Don’t Change Money at Airports

Most exchange bureaus in airports are so far down the financial food chain they don’t have the clout to offer good exchange rates. The rates you see at airports are the worst — never, ever use an exchange bureau there unless you absolutely have to.

Another tip: avoid using the company Travelex at all costs. They have the worst rates and fees. Never, never use them. Avoid their ATMs too!

5. Always Pick the Local Currency

When you use your credit card abroad, you will often be given the option to be charged in your home currency (i.e., instead of being charged in euros, they will charge you in US dollars). Never say yes. The rate at which they are converting the currency is always worse than the rate your bank will give you.

Pick the local currency and let your credit card company make the conversion. You’ll get a better rate and save some money in the process.

6. Don’t Get Currency at Home (and Skip Foreign Currency Cards!)

While buying currency at home might seem like a good idea, you’ll end up getting a worse exchange rate. Unless you are 100% sure you’ll need cash right on arrival, avoid exchanging money in your home country.

Airports all have ATMs where you can withdraw money if you desperately need it. (However, I suggest you wait until you get to your destination and withdraw money downtown/from an ATM away from the airport. You’ll get a much better rate and pay a much lower fee. Use your credit card on arrival and then get cash later.)

Additionally, avoid any “foreign currency cards” where you can pre-load money and lock in the exchange rate. Seems like a good idea, right? Wrong! You are basically trying to predict the exchange rate and betting you can beat the market. You’re saying this rate is not going to get worse, but what if it gets better? You don’t know! (And, if you do know, you should be placing bets in the market.) Moreover, these cards come with a lot of fees that don’t make them worth it. Just avoid them.

Bonus: Make Your Money Work For You

Saved a bunch of money for your trip? Have it earn extra money! Interest rates are around 4% right now so you can have your money earn something while you’re away. It’s not like you withdraw it all at once, right? I keep my money in a high-yield savings account rather than in a big bank! Here is a list of some of the current highest yields you can get:


Bank fees can add up to some serious money over the course of a long trip. If you want to save money, you need to be proactive when it comes to banking and currency exchanges. A little planning can go a long way and save you a ton of money over the weeks, months, and years of your travels.

Be smart and bank smart. I haven’t paid a bank fee while traveling the world in over fifteen years and you shouldn’t either.

And, with these simple tips, you’ll never have to again.


How to Travel the World on $75 a Day

How to Travel the World on $75 a Day

My New York Times best-selling book to travel will teach you how to master the art of travel so that you’ll get off save money, always find deals, and have a deeper travel experience. It’s your A to Z planning guide that the BBC called the “bible for budget travelers.”

Click here to learn more and start reading it today!

Book Your Trip: Logistical Tips and Tricks

Book Your Flight
Find a cheap flight by using Skyscanner. It’s my favorite search engine because it searches websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is being left unturned.

Book Your Accommodation
You can book your hostel with Hostelworld. If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, use as it consistently returns the cheapest rates for guesthouses and hotels.

Don’t Forget Travel Insurance
Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:

Want to Travel for Free?
Travel credit cards allow you to earn points that can be redeemed for free flights and accommodation — all without any extra spending. Check out my guide to picking the right card and my current favorites to get started and see the latest best deals.

Need a Rental Car?
Discover Cars is a budget-friendly international car rental website. No matter where you’re headed, they’ll be able to find the best — and cheapest — rental for your trip!

Need Help Finding Activities for Your Trip?
Get Your Guide is a huge online marketplace where you can find cool walking tours, fun excursions, skip-the-line tickets, private guides, and more.

Ready to Book Your Trip?
Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel. I list all the ones I use when I travel. They are the best in class and you can’t go wrong using them on your trip.

The post How to Avoid Paying Bank Fees While Traveling appeared first on Nomadic Matt's Travel Site.

27 Free Things to do in Boston in 2019

A view overlooking Boston, USA
Posted: 2/4/2019 | Febuary 4th, 2019

Boston is the city of my birth.

So, of course, I’m a diehard fan of the city. It holds a special place in my hearyt.

Boston is a historic city with roots that stretch back to the founding of the country. To me, Boston is more a collection of small towns than a big metropolis city like LA or NYC or Miami. We’re really just a bunch of townies. (All those Boston based movies that show hardcode neighborhood allegiance are spot on!)

As a city with a lot of students, recent graduates, and young people, Boston is a relatively cheap place to visit as it has a lot of free things to see and do.

From music events to museums to walking tours to beer tours to parks and beaches, there are many ways to save during your visit.

Here’s a list of 27 free things to do and see in Boston!

Free Things to See and Do in Boston

The city of Boston at sunset
1. Walk the Freedom Trail
Established in 1951, The Freedom Trail covers 16 historical sites and stretches 2.5 miles. This red-bricked trail will teach you almost all you need to know about Boston’s history. You can download an audio podcast to accompany your walk or you can go on an organized tour led by one of Boston’s many historic characters. Expect to spend a few couple hours walking the trail and much, much longer if you enter every site along the trail.

It’s the best way to get a feel for the city and its history and hit a bunch of historical sites on the way. If you do one thing in Boston, do this.

2. Eat in Faneuil Hall
Everyone should eat in Quincy Market at least once. Grab your meal from one of the many restaurants in the colonnade, head outside to watch the people go by, and enjoy a street performer’s show. The hall has been a meeting place in the city since the 1740s, and many speeches were given here about American independence before the Revolutionary War. After you’re done eating, walk around and spend an afternoon here people-watching

4 S Market St, +1 617-523-1300, Open Monday-Saturday from 10am-9pm and Sunday from 12pm-7pm.

3. Lay Out in the Common
This is essentially Boston’s version of Central Park, with the Common dating back to 1634, making it the country’s oldest park. (Fun fact: There used to be a lot more fences surrounding the park, but in WWII the iron fences were taken and scrapped for the war effort.) Lie out, read a book, play some sports, or just relax. Wander around to the nearby Public Gardens, or sit by Frog Pond. It’s a fantastic way to enjoy your day without spending a dime. In the summer, you can even take in a free Shakespearean play.

4. Catch a Concert at the Hatch Shell
BRelax by the Charles River as artists play shows at the Hatch Shell. Built in 1928, It’s here you can see the famous Boston Pops play on July 4th as well as a plethora of free summertime concerts. Sometimes the Hatch Shell even plays movies at night.

47 David G Mugar Way, +1 617-626-1250, See the website for an up-to-date list of events.

5. Head to Castle Island
Castle Island is located in South Boston and is famous for the fort located on it, Fort Independence (The fort was actually used as the first state prison. Ironic, huh?). The 22-acre island (which is technically a peninsula) extends into the harbor and has excellent beaches as well as running trails that are popular with the locals. There’s a picnic area here, and you can explore the old fort for free. The place gets pretty busy on the weekends during the summer and you can often see school groups exploring the fort during the spring.

6. Take a Tour of Harvard
Founded in 1636, Harvard is the oldest university in America. Head to its home in Cambridge (Harvard Square Red Line train stop) and join a free tour to learn more about it. Learn about the university’s history, architecture, programs, and myths. When you’re finished, wander around the eclectic offerings of Harvard Square. There are a lot of good street musicians here. (Fun fact: Tracy Chapman got her start playing on the streets here.)

Harvard University, +1 617-495-1000,

8. Free Beer Tours
Sam Adams, a major Boston brewery named after the famous statesman and Founding Father Samuel Adams, offers free tours. They occur midafternoon and depart every 45 minutes. You get a few free samples along the way, too. If you’re not over 21, don’t worry. You can still go and learn about how they make their beer and the history of the brewery. You just can’t sample it at the end.

30 Germania St, +1 617-368-5080, Tours are available Monday-Thursday and on Saturdays from 10am-3pm. On Friday, tours are available between 10am-5:30pm.

9. Explore the Arnold Arboretum in Jamaica Plain
Over 260 acres of free public space is open here from sunrise to sunset. There are running trails, gardens, open lawns, and tons of flowers from all over the world. Relax among the plants and take a step back from the fast pace of the city. This place is much quieter than the Public Gardens and offers a bit more variety in plant life. They also have a huge Bonsai tree collection.

125 Arborway, +1 617-524-1718, Open daily from 7am-7pm.

10. Tour the Massachusetts State House
If history is your cup of tea, take a tour of the State House. You’ll learn about the building’s history, architecture, and how the state works. Built in 1798, this National Historic Landmark is well worth taking the time to see. Guided tours organized by volunteers and are available weekdays between 10am-3:30pm and last around 30-45 minutes (though you can also take a self-guided tour but its less fun).

24 Beacon St, +1 617-727-3676, Open weekdays from 8am-6pm, but tours are only available from 10am-3:30pm. Admission is free.

11. Climb the Bunker Hill Monument
The Battle of Bunker Hill in 1775 was one of the first major battles during the American Revolutionary War. While the British eventually took the field, the American’s wore the British forces down much more than was expected. After the battle, the British were much more cautious in their advance, which gave the American forces much more time to prepare for the coming war. The monument stands 221-feet, and you can climb to the top free of charge. There is also a nearby museum which is also free.

Monument Square, +1617-242-5601, Open daily from 9:30am-5pm. Admission is free.

12. Visit the USS Constitution
Commissioned in 1797 and named by George Washington, “Old Ironsides” is a heavy frigate that was used in the War of 1812 and later in the Civil War. It’s the oldest ship in the world that is still afloat, and its popularity has stopped it from being scrapped on multiple occasions. The ship is permanently docked in the harbor and free tours are offered every 30 minutes. It’s a wonderful way to get a sense of what life at sea was life over 200 years ago!

Charlestown Navy Yard, +1 617-426-1812, The ship is open daily from 10am-4pm (with extended hours in the summer) and the museum is open 10am-5pm (with extended hours in the summer as well). Admission is free, though the museum has a suggested donation of $10-15.

13. Take a Tour of MIT
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology is one of the most famous universities in the world, known for its expertise in engineering and research. The campus, located in Cambridge, is a mass of buildings that are worth exploring to get a sense of what campus life is like and to see some very interesting art and architecture. You can pick up a free map from the information office and take a self-guided tour to explore this historic campus.

77 Massachusetts Ave, +1 617-253-1000,

14. Explore the Black Heritage Trail
There are 14 sites located around Beacon Hill that make up this walking tour, covering important parts of African-American history. Massachusetts was the first state to declare slavery illegal (in 1783) and you can learn a lot about the history of slavery and the African-American experience by taking this tour. Free maps are available at the Abiel Smith School if you want to do a self-guided tour, though there are several companies that also arrange guided tours (with the map it’s very simple to do yourself though).

15. Go Stargazing
The Coit Observatory at Boston University offers free stargazing with telescopes and binoculars every Wednesday evening (weather permitting). It takes place outside (obviously) so just make sure to dress for the weather. There is limited space so you need to reserve your spot in advance.

725 Commonwealth Avenue, +1 617-353-2630, Viewings are Wednesday evenings at 7:30pm in the autumn and winter and 8:30pm in the spring and summer.

16. Visit a Free Museum or Art Gallery
Boston has a lot of world-class galleries and museums, with many offering free entry. Here are a few museums and galleries that offer free entry on certain days:

  • Institute of Contemporary Art – This contemporary art gallery is free on Thursdays from 5pm-9pm.
  • Commonwealth Museum – This museum explores the history of Massachusetts and is free every day.
  • Harvard Museum of Natural History – This natural history museum has exhibitions showcasing dinosaurs, animals, and minerals (including meteorites). It’s free to residents of Massachusetts as well as Bank of America customers.
  • Harvard University Art Museums – Home to both modern and historical art exhibitions, these museums are free on Saturday from 10am-12pm.
  • Museum of Fine Arts – Home to over 450,000 pieces of fine art, this museum is free on Wednesdays after 4pm, as well as on certain holidays (Memorial Day, MLK Jr. Day).
  • Warren Anatomical Museum – A macabre museum with Civil War-era medical tools as well as some “medical mysteries” that is free every day.

17. Take a Free Walking Tour
While the city’s plethora of food tours, wine tours, and historical tours will cost money, both Free Tours by Foot and Strawberry Tours offer free walking tours around the city. They’re a great way to get oriented and see the major sights without breaking the bank. Just be sure to tip your guides!

18. The Lawn on D
This huge greenspace is relatively new to the city (when I was growing up, there was nothing in this area and you would never go there) and there are all sorts of free activities happening year round (check their website for the latest). There’s public seating, free Wi-Fi, art exhibitions, and a few games like table tennis and bocce.

+1 877-393-3393, Open daily from 7am-10pm (hours may vary for events). Admission is free.

19. Go Hiking in the Blue Hills
This park is a bit out of the way, but it’s definitely worth a visit (especially if you have access to a vehicle). The 7,000-acre park is home to over 100 miles of trails and offers some panoramic viewpoints if you feel like stretching your legs and going for a hike. There are also plenty of activities to keep you entertained, such as boating, fishing, skiing, and rock climbing (depending on the season). If you go on the weekends in the summer, get there early to beat the crowds.

20. See the Skinny House
Located at 44 Hull Street in the North End, this narrow house was built just after the Civil War when Joseph Euestus came home to find his brother had taken over more than half of the land they were meant to share. Seeing that his brother had built a huge mansion on the property, Joseph built a 4-story home to block his view. The odd building definitely stands out and it’s worth seeing with your own eyes. Even though the house is only 10-feet wide, it still sold for almost $1,000,000 USD in 2017!

21. Browse for Books at Brattle Book Shop
Located a stone throw away from the Boston Common, this family-run used bookstore is home to over 250,000 items. Books, postcards, maps — and lots of other odds and ends call this place home. It’s one of the oldest bookstores in the country, having originally opened in 1825! In addition to your standard used books, the store is also home to all sorts of first editions and antique books. If you’re a book lover like me, you can’t miss this place.

9 West Street, +1 617-542-0210, Open Monday-Saturday from 9am-5:30pm.

22. Visit Forest Hills Cemetery
This serene Victorian cemetery sits on almost 300 acres of land and is the resting place of a few noteworthy individuals, such as the playwright Eugene O’Neill and the poet E.E Cummings. In 2006, as part of an exhibition, sculptures, including miniature buildings, were added to the cemetery.

95 Forest Hills Avenue, +1 617-524-0128, Gates open daily at 7am with closing hours varying by season (check the sign upon entry to see when the cemetery closes).

23. Stroll Along the Charles River
The Charles River Esplanade is a 17-mile stretch of along the banks of Boston’s Charles River. It’s a great place to go for a walk or a run, enjoy the view from a cafe, or even head out onto the water to canoe or kayak. On a sunny day, you’ll find tons of locals here.

If you’re traveling with kids, there’s a fun playground just west of the end of Storrow Drive that has a splash pad as well as playground equipment for both older and younger children.

24. Hit the Beach
If you’re visiting during the warm summer months, hit the beach to cool down. Winthrop and Revere Beach is located just under an hour from downtown (via public transportation) and is open all year round (lifeguards are on duty from June-September). Both are two of the most popular beaches in the area during the summer. Revere Beach is over 3-miles long and the easiest to get too. There are also tons of amazing beachfront places to eat here too. Go eat at the original Kelly’s. It’s a Boston institution.

Revere beach has more stores, restaurants, and is a lot bigger. Winthrop beach is a lot quieter.

25. Go Ice Skating
If you’re visiting Boston in the winter, there are tons of places around the city to go ice skating. There is a free rink at Harvard that is open to the public. You’ll still need to rent skates (which costs $5) but the skating itself is free. It’s a great way to enjoy Boston’s chilly winter months.

26. Tour the Custom House
Built in the 17th century, this is one of the most recognizable buildings in the city. It was built right up against the water on reclaimed land and when the customs office moved a tower was added to the original foundation. Built in 1915, the tower addition made the Custom House the tallest building in the city. It’s owned by Marriott Hotels now, though you can still take a free tour (by appointment) to go up to the observation deck on the 26th floor.

3 McKinley Square, +1 617-310-6300, Tours available from Sunday-Friday between 10am-4pm. Tours are free though they are by appointment only.

27. Walk the Irish Heritage Trail
Americans of Irish descent form the largest single ethnic group in Boston (over 20% of the people in Massachusetts claim they have Irish ancestry). This historic free walking trail will take you around the city focusing on contributions made by the city’s thriving Irish community. There are 16 sites along this 3-mile walk which you can visit consecutively or in tandem with one of the city’s other historic walks.

For a map and details about the trail, visit


Whether you’re here for the history, the food, the sports, or something else, Boston has a lot of things to do for free that will fill your entire visit and help you save a ton of money in Boston.

Book Your Trip to Boston: Logistical Tips and Tricks

Book Your Flight
Find a cheap flight by using Skyscanner or Momondo. They are my two favorite search engines because they search websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is left unturned.

Book Your Accommodation
You can book your hostel with Hostelworld. If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, use as they consistently return the cheapest rates for guesthouses and cheap hotels. I use them all the time. My favorite place to stay is:

  • HI Boston – This hostel is in a great location, has its own coffee bar with lots of space to hang out, and also has female-only dorms. It’s really secure and the staff are great too. It’s the best hostel in town!

Don’t Forget Travel Insurance
Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. I’ve been using World Nomads for ten years. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:

Looking for the best companies to save money with?
Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel! I list all the ones I use to save money when I travel – and I think will help you too!

Looking for more information on visiting Boston?
Check out my in-depth destination guide to Boston with more tips on what to see, do, costs, ways to save, and much, much more!

The post 27 Free Things to do in Boston in 2019 appeared first on Nomadic Matt's Travel Site.

Cheap Holiday Ideas: 8 Alternative Budget Vacation Deals

Visit Beautiful Zion National Park
Updated: 11/8/2018 | November 8th, 2018

While many of us dream of traveling the world (or at least taking a few months off from work in pursuit of adventure), it’s not always feasible, even for those with the best of intentions. A lot of things can get in the way.

I frequently talk about long-term travel and round-the-world trips, but I know that realistically, not everyone can or wants to enjoy this style of travel. I don’t think traveling the world is hard, but I also know that what I do isn’t for everyone.

Some people just want to go on a cheap vacation for a few weeks. Not everyone has the time or luxury to take an extended trip.

So what do you do when you only have a short amount of time and a short amount of money?

What are some budget vacation ideas that aren’t about traveling the world?

Even if I won’t find you backpacking Cambodia for three months or walking the Camino de Santiago, there are many ways to get on the road and see the world without breaking the bank! Here are eight cheap travel ideas if you are cash-strapped and/or time-poor:

Cheap Vacation Idea 1: Be a Local Tourist

 Tour The Statue of Liberty
How often do you visit the tourist sites in your own city? Hardly ever, right? I know New Yorkers who have never seen the Statue of Liberty and Bostonians who have never walked the Freedom Trail. I once took a Dutch friend on a tour of Amsterdam because, despite growing up there, she had never seen the local attractions that lure millions of visitors to the city every year.

We’re all guilty of this. It took me five years to see the Jim Thompson House in Bangkok (even after living there), and I’ve still never been to Bunker Hill in Boston despite spending the first 24 years of my life there.

We always put it off until tomorrow, because when we live in a city, we think there is always a tomorrow.

We get so caught up in our daily lives we forget that we can have a cheap vacation in our own city. We don’t have to go anywhere!

If you’re short on time and money, there’s no better way to spend some free time than to wander your own city. No matter what its size, it has a number of wonders that you’ve never seen or even known about because you just don’t like! We’re busy leading our lives and following our routines. It’s normal but let’s look at your home with new eyes.

Be a traveler in your own town!

Important tips: When you become a local tourist, check out of your house and into a hotel, hostel, or guesthouse. It’s important to get out of your familiar environment because if you stay home, you’ll find something to do around the house and create excuses for why you can’t sightsee. Moving to a different location can help give you that feeling of adventure, excitement, and unfamiliarity.

Moreover, be sure to go to your local tourism office and get a city tourism pass. These cards allow you to see a wide range of local attractions for free or reduced prices and can be your way to see your local sites on a budget. They aren’t just for outsiders!

Cheap Vacation Idea 2: Travel Regionally

 Adventures in The Woods, Maine
Travel brings to mind faraway and exotic destinations. It invokes images of all the places we’ve dreamed of and seen in movies. Because of that, few people look in their own backyard for adventure — as my Aussie friends always tell me before they jet off somewhere, “Mate, you’ve probably seen more of Oz than I have!” — but it offers just as many places to travel.

I could say the same thing as my Aussie friends. I grew up in Boston, and from there, I could visit New Hampshire, the woods of Maine, the bed-and-breakfasts of the Berkshires, or the farms of Vermont. New York was a four-hour car ride from home. How often did I do that? Not often enough!

Exploring your own region is an underrated and often overlooked aspect of travel. It gets the occasional lip service in magazines, but driving across the United States made me realize how much our own countries have to offer us and how often we overlook that for some foreign place.

There’s something special about being a stranger in your homeland and realizing you really don’t know much about it as you thought.

We think because we’re born in a place we understand it but every country has regional differences that make it unique and, unless we travel to see and experience them, we’ll never fully understand the place we call home.

Driving across my country (the U.S.) taught me a lot about it. It gave me a deep appreciation for it, the people, and the diversity within its borders. It broke down stereotypes and misconceptions I had about the different regions in the US. My time exploring my own backyard was just as important to my growth as any trip to a foreign country.

If you’re on a limited budget, can’t afford a flight or a trip to exotic lands, or just want to do something different, don’t forget that you can always travel your own country. It can be just as powerful as visiting another country.

Cheap Vacation Idea 3: Go to National Parks

 Take A Tour of the Grand Canyon To Save Money
The great outdoors present a great chance to go somewhere on the cheap. Camping, after all, costs very little money. Camping fees in national parks are as little as $15 USD per night in the United States, $15-40 CAD in Canada, $10-60 AUD in Australia, and $17-22 NZD in New Zealand. And in many places in Japan and Europe (especially Scandinavia), you can camp on public lands for free. Additionally, you go camping stocked with all your own supplies and accommodation (i.e., a tent), so you don’t have to worry about spending lots of extra money. Your food bill can be whatever you spend on groceries and nothing more.

You don’t need to love camping to spend time in the national parks, either. Personally, I hate camping. I’m not the camp-in-a-tent kind of guy; I need toilets, beds, and hot water. Luckily, many parks provide cabins. While hiking the Grand Canyon, I stayed at a national park lodge at the bottom. I had a room in a dormitory, but for a few nights, it was the cheap accommodation I needed.

There’s almost always a park nearby and spending a few days with nature is not only good for your wallet but also good for your soul.

Along these same lines, Camp in My Garden is a website that lets people camp in someone’s backyard (or garden). Got an RV that needs parking? Check out RV with Me, which finds cheap parking and overnight solutions for RV owners!

Cheap Vacation Idea 4: Book a Last-Minute Cruise (or Book Far in Advance)

 Book a Last Minute Cruise To Have a Cheap Holiday
Cruises are normally very expensive, affairs with a seven-day Caribbean cruise costing over $600–700 USD per person for a small interior room. And, if you’re traveling alone, you often have to pay the price of two people since not many cruise lines offer single traveler rooms!

But, if you’re the last passenger running onto that ship, you can find some sweet deals.

Cruise lines always offer incredible last-minute deals. No ship’s captain – or cruise company – wants to leave with half the cabins empty. If you wait until a few weeks before departure, you can find some really amazing deals as cruise lines scramble to find passengers. Plus, cruise operators always throw in some on-board amenities, free upgrades, and cash vouchers to sweeten the deal.

The website CruiseSheet often has cruises as low as $30 per day! (It’s the best cruise booking website in the world!)

Conversely, if you book over a year in advance, cruise lines also offer amazing low fares for early birds.

Cruises are the one form of travel for which I recommend visiting a travel agent if you’re part of a big group. They have wonderful working relationships with the operators and can score better packages than booking online.

After you book, keep an eye out on prices, because if they drop, you can often call your travel agent or the cruise company itself to get a partial refund or vouchers to use for dining and alcohol on the boat.

READ THIS —> Click here to read my guide to finding super discounted cruises (and how to save money once you are on board.)

Cheap Vacation Idea 5: Think Outside the Box

 Visiting Paris in Winter
Forget Mexico and go to Guatemala. Skip Paris and head to Budapest. Forget Italy and see Greece (it’s really cheap!). Ditch Brazil and take on Bolivia instead. The list goes on and on. There are countless cheap alternatives and budget destinations around the world!

Travel counter to the prevailing trend.

Zig when everyone zags.

If people are going in the summer, you go in the spring or winter. Skip the popular destinations and head off the beaten path a bit.

Contrarian travel will save you a bundle of money. It’s like reverse commuting. While others heading into the city in the morning for work are stuck in traffic, you breeze the opposite way hassle free. The same is true for travel.

The more you are a contrarian in where – and when you go – the better off you’re wallet will be. Plus, you’ll enjoy destinations more because there will be fewer crowds. No one loves a crowd!

READ THIS –> Click here for 10 Destinations to Visit on a Budget to help give you ideas on where you to go!

Cheap Vacation Idea 6: Book a Last-Minute Tour

 Last Minute Tour Bookings Save Money
Just like cruises, tours are best booked last-minute. Tour companies need to fill the seats just like cruise companies, because once that trip departs, they still have the same costs. Last-minute tour bookings work the same way as cruise bookings.

Why are tours so cheap last-minute? Well, think about how people plan vacations. You get the time off work, you book your vacation, you buy your flight, and you go. Since people pre-book, prices are higher in advance because these companies understand booking patterns and then price accordingly. As departure time nears, companies know people aren’t likely to turn up and book on departure day, so they sweeten the price to increase bookings. So take the time off work, wait until the week before, see what’s cheap, and then go.

My favorite company, Intrepid Travel, often offers 15–30% discounts on last-minute tours.

Cheap Vacation Idea 7: Become a House Sitter

 House-sitting Can Save You Money on Your Vacation
Accommodation can eat into the cost of a trip big-time. You might get a flight deal, but then accommodation — even if you can find it cheaply — might push the cost of your trip into unaffordable territory. A way around that is to stay somewhere for free. While I like Couchsurfing, it’s hard to do that for two weeks without annoying your host. A unique way to overcome this is to house-sit for someone while they are on vacation. You get free accommodation, a kitchen to cook in, and the chance to explore a destination in depth. It’s a pretty unique way to travel and one that I know a lot of world travelers take advantage of. You can even do this in your own region too, to cut down on transportation costs.

READ THIS —> How to Become a Housesitter

Cheap Vacation Idea 8: Grab a Cheap Flight

 Book Cheap Flights to Get You to Your Budget Vacation
Nowadays, you don’t have to guess where the cheapest flight from your home would be. You can look up a whole list of flights (from cheapest to increasingly more expensive) using a site like Momondo or Google Flights. With those sites, you can type in “(the closest airport to you)” for your departure city and “everywhere” for your destination. Then a list of the cheapest flights appears in front of your very eyes, so you can choose where to go within your budget. This is how I decide where to go when I don’t have a specific place in mind. It’s a great tool!

Here are some other great airline booking sites where you can find deals:

  • Skyscanner – Skyscanner has a very intuitive platform that lets you search for an open-ended trip. If you’re not 100% sure where you want to go (or when) then start your search with Skyscanner.
  • Kiwi – Kiwi recently updated their search platform, making it much more intuitive and user-friendly. You can also search multiple cities and countries at once, making this a must-use platform when looking for budget flights.
  • AirTreks – If you’re looking to plan a multi-city trip, AirTreks offers great deals for round-the-world adventures with multiple stops.


Not everyone can jump overseas at the drop of a hat or spend six months backpacking around Europe or Asia. A fancy vacation to Mexico may be out of your reach. But while you might not have a lot of time or money, luckily there’s more than one way to see the world. These cheap vacation ideas may be exactly what you’re looking for!

Travel is simply the art of going somewhere new and different and exploring everything the place has to offer. It doesn’t matter if you have two days, two weeks, or two months. Use these cheap vacation ideas and go explore – on a budget!

Want more? Read these articles to get more specific destination ideas for where to have a budget vacation:

Book Your Trip: Logistical Tips and Tricks

Book Your Flight
Find a cheap flight by using Skyscanner or Momondo. They are my two favorite search engines because they search websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is left unturned.

Book Your Accommodation
To find the best budget accommodation, use as they consistently return the cheapest rates for guesthouses and cheap hotels. I use them all the time. You can book your hostel – if you want that instead – with Hostelworld as they have the most comprehensive inventory.

Don’t Forget Travel Insurance
Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. I’ve been using World Nomads for ten years. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:

Looking for the best companies to save money with?
Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel! I list all the ones I use to save money when I travel – and I think will help you too!

The post Cheap Holiday Ideas: 8 Alternative Budget Vacation Deals appeared first on Nomadic Matt's Travel Site.